Friday, May 25, 2007

Convert from Japan


My Firstborn Child Series, Essay #124
copyright (c) 2007 by Mr. Yosef Ben Shlomo HaKohen

Excerpt: "Setzuso Kotsuji was born in 1900 into an aristocratic Japanese family. His father was a prominent Shinto priest, descended from a long-line of well-known priests. Kiyoto, Setzuso's birthplace, was the center of the Shinto religion and the Shinto's main house of worship was located there. Quite naturally, Setzuso's father hoped that he would follow the family tradition and also study for the priesthood....Divine Providence, it seems, had other plans -- ones that would impact the lives of thousands and continue to do so till this very day. When Setzuso was thirteen, he visited an antique bookshop and discovered a Tanach (Hebrew Bible) which had been translated into Japanese. It was the first time he learned about monotheism. Thirstily, he devoured the sacred work. In time he began to embrace the belief in a single G-d as Truth. Gradually he veered away from his polytheistic heritage....After marrying, Setzuso's search for Truth brought him to America, where he began to study Tanach and Hebrew at a university. When he eventually returned to Japan with a doctorate in Hebrew and Judaic studies, Setzuso continued to broaden his knowledge in these fields....In 1937, Setzuso published his first book in Japanese on Hebrew language and grammar. He also founded the Tanach and Hebrew Department at Tokyo University. The department attracted many non-Jewish students and, quite rapidly, Professor Kotsuji gained acclaim in Japan as a scholar and thinker of repute. Soon thereafter he became highly esteemed in government circles, where he made many friends. The professor would eventually put those connections to good use in the saving of many lives".


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