Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I am Joseph your brother!

Bible-Thumping Joe Lieberman Connects Esau with Iran

by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu

(IsraelNN.com) Sen. Joe Lieberman, who formerly was a Democratic candidate for Vice President and now is an independent backing Republican presidential candidate Senator John McCain, told a Christian audience that Israel must prepare for war with Iran as Jacob did before meeting his estranged brother Esau. "I am your brother Joseph," Sen. Lieberman told a cheering crowd of Christians United for Israel (CUFI). "Blessed are you in the name of the L-rd."


Senator Lieberman is a Jew, and as such should follow Judaism to the Jewish Homeland rather than remain in a sinful, self-imposed exile.

It is Americans who should be announcing to Jews, "I am Joseph your brother!" because "We The People" - in these "Lands of the Covenant" (Artzot Habrit) - alone bear the biblical birthmarks concerning Menashe ben Yosef (Manasseh son of Joseph), and Ephraim, our brother, is the British Commonwealth of nations, as the Jerusalem-based Brit Am Israel organization correctly teaches.

Yeshua, the King of Israel, the King of the Jews, said He would not return until the Jews and Jerusalem had the necessary change of heart that welcomed Him, saying with a prayerful attitude: "Blessed are you in the Name of the Lord!"

Joseph isn't Jewish!

Israel and Judah Must Get House in Order Before King Messiah Arrives

Christian Zionists, Jews, and Israel

The Great Mideast Commission: Reaching the Cities of Judah



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