My website was hacked and inaccessible for the past month. It was fixed just a few days ago. For a month I was cut off from the wider world, resulting in almost no new readers, while almost no books were sold. During these desperate and penniless days, I had numerous discussions about how to keep the books going even if I wasn't. The answer usually came up, "You have to put them on Kindle."
However, I replied, most of my readers don't trust the Internet enough to pay or learn to pay online. More troubling, many are going through severe money troubles and wouldn't pay Kindle about $25 for any book right now. My solution was a daring experiment in trust that only I believe might work because every alternative idea had worse drawbacks.
My book, Shabtai Tzvi, Labor Zionism, And The Holocaust, was put in a Kindle-like pdf with most of the essential book reading features, like a page counter. Here it is:
This was my second most successful book after, Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin. The work proves that Judaism was utterly infiltrated by the criminals called the Sabbataians. Their work against the Jews from within led to numerous disasters for the people, culminating in the Holocaust. Something about the message seeped through to the other side and surprising mainstream outlets chose to review it:
"Mr. Chamish's observations concerning the CFR elite's schemes in the Middle East have repeatedly proved accurate." -New American
"Chamish has an impressive and very real influences on people who are not satisfied with the explanations given them." -Yediot Achronot
Within the book are chapters that have gone worldwide, including the murders of Ofra Haza, and Congressman Wayne Owens, the radiation experiments on Sephardic children in the 50s, why Jonathan Pollard can never be released from prison etc.
The book is yours for just $10. Now who, all asked, would pay $10 when I just sent it for free? This is where the honor system enters from stage left.
I have only sent the book to trusted readers. No site or newsgroup received it. There is no news written that could be reprinted anywhere. It's, for now, just you and me. Now, I'm not the total sucker I'm widely assumed to be. I know some won't pay and some might. The some might is reward enough for me and for those loyal readers who cannot afford to pay.
For those who can, here are my rules, with no way to ever enforce them... BUT ONE. If you read the whole book, and can afford it, you bought it. And if you forward it, try to pay me $5. a book for each recipient.
If this experiment works, I will open pdf sites and take low-priced orders for Bye Bye Gaza, and THE conPROMISED LAND, from those who played fair ball with this grand experiment. That is my sole enforcement.
Congratulations. You have received a terrific book this time out.
Barry Chamish
POB 840157
Saint Augustine, FL 32080 USA
Paypal: chamishba@gmail.com
However, I replied, most of my readers don't trust the Internet enough to pay or learn to pay online. More troubling, many are going through severe money troubles and wouldn't pay Kindle about $25 for any book right now. My solution was a daring experiment in trust that only I believe might work because every alternative idea had worse drawbacks.
My book, Shabtai Tzvi, Labor Zionism, And The Holocaust, was put in a Kindle-like pdf with most of the essential book reading features, like a page counter. Here it is:
This was my second most successful book after, Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin. The work proves that Judaism was utterly infiltrated by the criminals called the Sabbataians. Their work against the Jews from within led to numerous disasters for the people, culminating in the Holocaust. Something about the message seeped through to the other side and surprising mainstream outlets chose to review it:
"Mr. Chamish's observations concerning the CFR elite's schemes in the Middle East have repeatedly proved accurate." -New American
"Chamish has an impressive and very real influences on people who are not satisfied with the explanations given them." -Yediot Achronot
Within the book are chapters that have gone worldwide, including the murders of Ofra Haza, and Congressman Wayne Owens, the radiation experiments on Sephardic children in the 50s, why Jonathan Pollard can never be released from prison etc.
The book is yours for just $10. Now who, all asked, would pay $10 when I just sent it for free? This is where the honor system enters from stage left.
I have only sent the book to trusted readers. No site or newsgroup received it. There is no news written that could be reprinted anywhere. It's, for now, just you and me. Now, I'm not the total sucker I'm widely assumed to be. I know some won't pay and some might. The some might is reward enough for me and for those loyal readers who cannot afford to pay.
For those who can, here are my rules, with no way to ever enforce them... BUT ONE. If you read the whole book, and can afford it, you bought it. And if you forward it, try to pay me $5. a book for each recipient.
If this experiment works, I will open pdf sites and take low-priced orders for Bye Bye Gaza, and THE conPROMISED LAND, from those who played fair ball with this grand experiment. That is my sole enforcement.
Congratulations. You have received a terrific book this time out.
Barry Chamish
POB 840157
Saint Augustine, FL 32080 USA
Paypal: chamishba@gmail.com
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