German Troops Closer to Jerusalem
14:25 Jul 23, '06 / 27 Tammuz 5766
by Hana Levi Julian

Defense Minister Amir Peretz approved the use of NATO forces in south Lebanon Sunday morning in a meeting with German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier.
The German foreign minister was first on a list of several who were scheduled to meet with government officials today as they work to open a political front alongside the current military operation.
“Due to the weakness of the Lebanese army, we support the deployment in south Lebanon of a multi-national force with broad authority,” said Peretz. The Defense Minister told reporters after the meeting that the force would be comprised of NATO soldiers...
It's quite telling that Germany was the first to be told that Israel will accept their NATO wolves in sheep's clothing, "peacekeeping" troops, ready to enter Israel and ultimately provide an alleged buffer zone around Jerusalem...before brutally betraying Israel and occupying Jerusalem. How deaf, dumb and blind can the Israelis be? God help us to warn them!
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