Biased James Baker
Uncle Jim - Shame on you!
Munich - Road Map Parallels Run Deep
Shimon Peres came to power over Rabin's dead body. Yitzhak Rabin's blood still cries out for justice. He was betrayed by the traitors selling out Israel to the German-Jesuit EU.
27.02. 2007
Original content copyright by the author
Zionism & Israel Center http://zionism-
"If it were used in a would have to be treated as a polemic and placed in that context..."
[S]creenings were canceled under pressure at Pace and Stony Brook"
Quoth a Rabbi:
“The question is how to break down the stereotypes facing the two religions."
Is this the Israel Lobby in action once again?
Are the nefarious elders of Zion, the evil New York money people of Mr. Carter's imagination, once again ganging up to suppress the truth about the Middle East?
Not exactly. The documentary movie in question is Obsession. It documents extremist Islamist radical propaganda. If you have not seen it, take about 20 minutes to view the movie clips at http://www.Obsessio
Granted, a few mistakes were made in making this movie, which betray the ideological convictions of those who made it. The footage from Palestinian, Iranian and al-Manara Hezbollah TV speaks for itself. Right-wing iconic commentators Emerson and Glick add nothing to the message. Their presence detracts credibility. But that is not why the movie was banned, was it? If the Breaking the Silence group were to appear in a classroom, they would also have to be labeled a polemic, but the professor who opposed showing obsession on those grounds, would hardly have opposed an appearance by the anti-Israel Breaking the Silence group, would he?
To what lengths will American academia go, in order to deny reality? The most damaging scene in this movie, perhaps, is the attack on the Twin Towers. Do they teach about that in the universities? Are students from Stony Brook enjoined to avoid downtown Manhattan? Or are they taught that 9-11 was the work of the Mossad and the FBI?
Sure there is a lot of reactionary rhetoric in this film. You can't get much more reactionary than Hassan Nassrallah and a hundred thousand followers yelling "Death to America," or Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his "World without America." Certainly there is a lot of sick violence. You can't get much sicker or more violent than little Palestinian kids training with submachine guns, and sweet little girls explaining that they want to blow themselves up.
It was a mistake to adopt Obsession as a "hasbara" issue, as the director and producer have done. The message is much bigger than our little conflict here, and it has little to do with it in reality. It is not about Jews. You don't have to be Jewish to understand "Death to America!" It is not a problem to be debated by rabbis and Talmudic scholars. There is nothing complicated or Jewish about the message. It is understood in Bahrain, where TV panelists warn about the dangers of extremist rhetoric, but it is not OK to discuss the problem in US universities.
Please take the time to view the clips from Obsession. If you agree that this movie is important, make sure that others see it. The most frightening aspect of the movie is not the content, which many of us have known about for years, but the obstinate refusal of so many Americans to deal with the reality it represents.
Ami Isseroff
Original content is Copyright by the author 2007. Posted at ZioNation-Zionism and Israel Web Log, http://www.zionism-
Three quarters of Israelis would like to see Israel join the European Union.
Since so many Israelis despise the Holy Land of Israel, God will give them what they want -- with a twist: the fascist EU will pollute Israel and occupy Jerusalem. As the following articles testify, Israel will be in the belly of the Beast:
EU to Conquer Anglo-Saxons and Jews
Paint Israel Black: Jews to Lose Jerusalem!
Grand Master Turns Up The Heat On Jerusalem; Trouble Brewing In The North
"Like father, like son" -- for better and for worse! I enjoy your clear writing style, resonant with scriptures, that the fine-tuned ear of the Elect look and listen for, which is why it's so BLARING when you perpetuate glaring error! Your otherwise excellent article in The Philadelphia Trumpet magazine, "Escape from Sodom and Gomorrah" was polluted with the biblically incorrect term "Palestine."
Your father [Gerald Flurry] quotes Shmuel Schnitzer lamenting the new Jewish people who are "preparing to deny our [Jewish] rights, both the divine promise and in terms of REFERRING TO THE LAND BY THE NAME OF ITS PEOPLE, "The Land of Israel' -- a land which belongs to the Children of Israel, from then and to eternity..." [emphasis mine] and then, himself, continues in "Israel's Lost Vision" blind to his own hypocrisy, "Let's look back at Palestine's recent history."
Yes, let's look at what name GOD gave the land as an inheritance of all Twelve Tribes of Israel. GOD named it after our patriarch ISRAEL. Satan inspired the Romans to mock God and dishonor our Father by attempting to erase Israel's name off the map! "They have said, 'Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation, that the name of Israel may be remembered no more'" (Psalms 83:4). Why join with the enemies of God and Israel? Why give credence to an ILLEGITIMATE name? God forbid Israel ever becomes "Palestine"!
Since I truly believe you want to go by the Bible, please do so and refer to the Land of Israel by its GOD ORDAINED NAME -- Israel!
For Zion's sake,
David Ben-Ariel
(Originally published in the November/December 1996 issue of The National Messenger)
Stephen Flurry and The Philadelphia Church of God
The Great Mideast Commission: Reaching the Cities of Judah
David Ben-Ariel is a Christian-Zionist writer and author of Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall. With a focus on the Middle East and Jerusalem, his analytical articles help others improve their understanding of that troubled region. Check out the Beyond Babylon blog
“We must not delude small nations into thinking that they will be protected from aggression…” — Sir John Simon, London, 2/21/38
Many people have noticed a terrible resemblance between the way Britain sacrificed the Czechs to Germany in 1938 and what the Oslo-Road Map plan has been doing to Israel. Ariel Sharon stated in 2002 that “Israel will not be Czechoslovakia,” a rare moment of bravery for which the vassal was rebuked promptly. Shortly afterwards, he returned to substantiating the parallel.
Still, few people realize how deep the comparisons go, how alarming they are and how they illuminate the true goals of British policymakers, — and their indifference to collateral damage. The record shows that the British are quite willing to accept war and destruction of assets (so long as most of the losses are born by others) and then have others pay and labor to rebuild what has been ruined largely through their own global designs, their relentless pursuit of Atlantic Union and World Federation.
Let us examine British diplomacy re Europe during the 1930s, making pertinent comparisons, predictions and prescriptions for today’s Middle East. Read the rest of this entry »
The Jewish families being shamefully evicted now, associated with Ateret Kohanim, remind me of those Jewish pioneers of the El-Ad ("To the City of David") organization that I was blessed to visit with as soon as they liberated areas of Shiloach years ago, as mentioned within Conflict in Jerusalem. Later I sat and talked with its leader, David Be'eri, on his lawn about the situation and future.
May a proper Jewish government be brought to power that will respect the Jewish Homeland and strengthen it and appreciate those who love it dearly. Meanwhile, may Jews, Israelis and Christian Zionists, encourage such patriotic souls in Shiloach to continue performing the mitzvot of settling the land and launch a "Save the City of David" campaign to show solidarity.
Israel's sworn enemies have no trouble getting a riot on, so why can't we manage to have an overwhelming show of support for those Jews on the frontlines to restore biblical Jerusalem? May the public have massive demonstrations and put pressure on the government to do the right thing and permit the Jews to remain. Let the yeshivas empty their classrooms and take it to the streets. No more Jewish expulsions!
El-Ad Foundation
The El-Ad Foundation is on the forefront of the movement to strengthen the ties of the Jewish people with ancient Jerusalem - the City of David. Right near the Western Wall, El-Ad is settling Jewish families right where the capital of Israel stood in the time of the Bible, developing archeological sites, and connecting visitors to the ancient City of David.
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Hitler was a type, a preview, of what's to come in Europe but this time THE BEAST will target the British-Israelites and Jews. Nazi Germany fought against the American and British peoples, but it was our Jewish brethren who were targeted.
Even as Satan made pharaoh afraid of the deliverer who would be born to Israel, and Herod was paranoid about the Messiah who had been born, so pagan Gentile European leaders, under the Roman Catholic Cult's influence, know that repentant and converted Joseph and Judah (due to the special rescue mission of the Two Witnesses) are to ultimately rule the world and will desperately try and prevent us from ever succeeding. Thankfully, as the first chapter of Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall assures us -- Survival Guaranteed! -- God will spare us some Holocaust survivors who will rise to the occasion.
Israel and Judah Must Get House in Order Before King Messiah Arrives
William Manchester's book, The Last Lion: Winston Spencer Churchill; Visions of Glory, is quite remarkable considering its principles pertain to Israel's situation today. Winston Churchill was considered an "enemy of peace" by those who failed to recognize the growing German threat. Churchill was basically abandoned in a political wilderness until the time came for him to come out in the spirit of the Judges of Israel and deliver Great Britain from the Nazi menace.
Don't we, the Sabbath-keeping Church of God, realize that whenever we warn about the prophesied Beast power rising in Europe -- the final revival of the unholy Roman Empire of the German Nation -- that we'll be falsely accused of hating Germans, Europeans, and Catholics?
Years ago certain ones on AOL accused my book, Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise & Fall, of hating Roman Catholics and German-bashing. I replied then and it's still true today, that it's actually because I LOVE THE GERMANS, I love the Europeans and I love the Roman Catholics that I want to help warn them to not blindly follow their leaders!
It's not only because I love our British-Israelite and Jewish brethren that the biblical warning message must go out: both Israelites and Gentiles must be warned if we're to fulfill our Christian duty as watchmen. The Church of God must warn the world or suffer severe consequences!
For the record, I'm of German descent, in part. I certainly don't hate the Germans, but I do hate what the Nazis did and what Bible prophecy clearly says a German-led Europe will do again on an even greater scale! This time their Satan inspired hatred and murder won't just be against our Jewish brethren but against Joseph: the Anglo-Saxons.
Consider this excellent quote from The Last Lion:
Speaking of the type of leader necessary to stand up to Hitler:
"England looked for another Alfred, a figure cast in a mold which, by the time of the Dunkirk deliverance, seemed to have been forever lost. England's new leader, were he to prevail, would have to be everything England's decent, civilized Establishment had rejected [sound familiar? those impotent ones who worry about reputation and remaining polite and respectable aren't effective in facing the Challenge]... Their successor would have to be a passionate Manichaen who saw the world as a medieval struggle to the death between the powers of good and the powers of evil, who held that individuals are responsible for their actions and that the German dictator was therefore wicked...Like Adolf Hitler he would have to be a leader of intuitive genius, a born demagogue in the original sense of the word, a believer in the supremacy of his race and his national destiny [not one who has forgotten or miserably doubts his Identity], an artist who knew how to gather the blazing light of history into his prism... Such a man, if he existed, would be England's last chance. In London there was such a man."
The question begs to be answered whether or not there's such a man in Jerusalem today (as its cauldron is filled with crooks and thieves and murderers selling out Israel); whether Israel will finally have a truly Jewish leader who will boldly reclaim Judaism's holiest site, the Temple Mount, and will refuse to tolerate Amalekites claiming Jerusalem as their capital; A strong leader who knows and understands that the Holy Land is promised to Israel and not to Ishmael.
If not, and Zion and Jerusalem fall to the German-Jesuit Europe because we've failed to heed Churchillian warnings, and shamefully despised those Christian-Zionists and Jews who delivered them, then King Messiah will surely save us out of the dreadful "Time of Jacob's Trouble" -- but we'll have first suffered the greatest tribulation to strike planet Earth.